Monthly Archives: February 2019

Undetectable- E12

Jorge is a teacher, an activist, and a gay man. Three years ago, he discovered that he is HIV positive. Today he is undetectable, meaning that he cannot sexually transmit HIV to another person. In this episode, Jorge discusses how he became involved in activism for the LGBTQ community, how trauma and shame he acquired from the Pentecostal church lead him toward risky behavior, and why he believes mental health care is essential to (and missing from) HIV prevention.

A note from Jorge:

Not all HIV experiences are equal. My story is just one experience, and my path to HIV, though common in stigmatized and persecuted communities, is not the only one. There are victims of sexual violence who have been exposed to HIV. Also, transmission has many paths outside of sexual activity, such as negligence by health professionals or drug use. Some people simply have been victims of chance. However, HIV as a result of trauma and mental health concerns can play a big role in how the virus is spread.


Know Your Worth & Add Tax- E11

In this episode, Mckenzie discusses her work as an STI/HIV Test Counselor and Risk Reduction Specialist, including what she wishes people knew about getting tested, the 90-90-90 plan, and undetectability. She also tells a personal parable about leaving a sexually disrespectful ex-boyfriend, how masturbation helped her learn to ask for what she wants in bed, and the most iconic sex advice she ever received.

Find a clinic near you and get tested for HIV and STIs today!