Category Archives: Blog Posts

Valentine’s Day Special

The Peak recently reached 100 followers on Instagram! To celebrate this milestone, we’ve decided to give you all a BONUS Valentine’s Day episode. This episode features a harrowing tale from Robyn’s Valentines past and a reading from Eve Enseler’s the Vagina Monologues.

Follow The Peak on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook and, if you want, donate to our Ko-Fi account!

Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own the rights to The Vagina Monologues. The excerpt used in this episode was written and is owned by Eve Ensler. I am sharing it for educational purposes under Fair Use.

Photo by Vincent Delegge on Unsplash

Meet the Host – Robyn Wheelock

Hey, y’all! My name is Robyn Wheelock, and I am the host and producer of The Peak. I started this project in 2018 after being inspired by the #metoo movement.

I kept myself semi-anonymous throughout season one due to my fear of the stigma surrounding frank and open conversations about sexuality, especially as a young queer woman early in her career.

But as I prepared for Season 2 and reflected on why I choose to do this work, it became clear that if I want to destigmatize sex and contribute to a culture of honesty, I have to be transparent, and confront my fear of stigma. Sex isn’t shameful, and I’m not ashamed to talk about it.

So here I am folks! Here’s to making 2020 a year of honesty, clarity, and confidence!

Background vectors created by pikisuperstar

Seeking guests for Season 2!

Photo by AllGo – An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Greetings listeners! It is our great excitement to announce that Season Two of The Peak is now in pre-production and that we will have new episodes available in early 2020! We are currently reaching out to guests, and plan to host a wide variety of folks with a wide variety of sexual experiences. This season, we are hoping to produce both personal interviews, and interviews with sex workers, sexual health professionals, and sex-positive activists about their careers.

Is there someone you would like to see as a guest on The Peak? Would you like to be a guest on the show yourself? If so, leave a comment or contact our producer, Robyn, at!