There are lots of ways to support The Peak Podcast!

1) Make a Donation

It takes money to create The Peak! By donating to the podcast you help our independent host and producer pay for:

  • the costs of hosting our website and episode feed
  • equipment costs
  • recording studio rentals
  • advertising and promotion fees
  • the time and labor of making each episode the best it can be <3

To donate, you can become a patron on Patreon (and receive some free merch!) or make a one-time donation of any size on PayPal.

2) Promote the Podcast

If you enjoy listening to The Peak, consider sharing your favorite episodes on social media or suggesting the podcast to a friend, so that they can tune in and join the conversation about what makes good sex good.

3) Give Feedback

We’re always working to make the podcast better for our listeners, and we love to hear what you love about The Peak, as well as ways we can improve the show. To tell us what you think:

  • Rate and Review on iTunes, or wherever you listen to the show
  • Send an email to
  • Send us a dm on Instagram or Facebook

4) Talk About Sex

The #1 goal of The Peak has always been to create a platform where people can talk about sexuality in a frank and honest way. Where guests can come as they are to discuss the joy, trauma, pleasure, confusion, and connection that sex has brought to their lives. To discuss the misinformation they were taught, the discoveries they’ve made. To destigmatize sex and conversations about it.

We encourage our listeners to have their own conversations about sex! Not sure where to start?

Try asking your friends and/ or partners:

  • What kind of sex ed did you have growing up?
  • What was your first kiss like?
  • What makes you feel sexy?

You can even use interview prompts from The Peak!

  • What can you tell me about your sexual identity and your sexual personality?
  • What can you tell me about your first time having sex, or a significant early sexual experience?
  • What can you tell me about the best sex you’ve ever had?
  • What makes good sex good for you?
  • What have you learned from and about sex in your life?

Not sure if your friends/ loved ones are comfortable talking about sex? 

Sex is a taboo subject for many people, and even as we work to normalize and destigmatize sex and sex-talk, it’s important to respect others’ boundaries. If you aren’t sure if someone would be willing to talk about sex with you, just ask them. (This is a great way to practice asking for consent and checking in with others in everyday life.)

It’s possible they would love to talk with you about sex! Just remember to respect their boundaries if they say no.

5) Make Space for Sexual Joy in Your Life

  • Connect with a partner
  • watch/read/listen to something sexy
  • take it slow
  • squeeze in a quicky

The world can be overwhelming. If you know what brings you pleasure and sexual joy, take the time to enjoy it. If you’re still discovering your pleasure, take time in that journey.