Tag Archives: safe sex

All Clothing is a Costume for Fae – S2E10

In the tenth episode of the season, Robyn is joined by her friend Fae, who discusses their favorite sex toys, their journey to treat their vaginismus, and their experiences as a queer, nonbinary Asian American who was raised in a deeply conservative, white, Christian family.

If you wish to support The Peak financially, you can do so in a variety of ways!

Become a sustaining member of our Patreon! You can also make a one-time donation on Ko-fi or Paypal

Remember to rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen!

Social Media Links:

Follow The Peak on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

Our theme music was produced by Johnny Manchild of Johnny Manchild & The Poor Bastards

Photo above depicts members of the Radical Faeries of the 1960s

A Bunch of Gays Crying in Wales and Eating Brownies—S2E8

We interrupt your current pandemic programming to bring you a new episode of The Peak, which was recorded in the before-times, last December.

In this episode, Ursula talks about her work with the organization Girls with Grit, a non-profit working to prevent sex trafficking through education. She also discusses growing up in a small, gossipy community where the preacher’s infidelity was the talk of the town, surviving sexual abuse as a child, and how listening to female hip-hop artists like Missy Elliot and Salt-N-Pepa has helped her find confidence in herself and in her sexuality as a black woman.

If you wish to support The Peak financially, you can do so in a variety of ways!

Become a sustaining member of our Patreon! You can also make a one-time donation on Ko-fi or Paypal

Remember to rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen!

Social Media Links:

Follow The Peak on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

Follow #ChangeRapeCulture on Instagram

Our theme music was produced by Johnny Manchild of Johnny Manchild & The Poor Bastards

Consent Is My Kink—S2E7

In this episode, Robyn interviews Kimiya Factory, the founder of #ChangeRapeCulture about her queerness, her activism, and how we can all work to change rape culture in our communities.

If you wish to support The Peak financially, you can do so in a variety of ways!

Become a sustaining member of our Patreon! You can also make a one-time donation on Ko-fi or Paypal

Remember to rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen!

Social Media Links:

Follow The Peak on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook

Follow #ChangeRapeCulture on Instagram

Our theme music was produced by Johnny Manchild of Johnny Manchild & The Poor Bastards

What’s your GEBO? – S2E4

What’s your GEBO? Or is it gebo?

In this week’s episode, we are joined with Lauren Zuniga, a queer, femme, Okie poet. In this conversation, Lauren recites poems, discusses being a queer parent in Oklahoma, and shares her tips for making good sex good (and the one thing to avoid). There’s laughter, tears, and gasps of amazement.

Despite the upheaval of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, The Peak plans to continue to create and release new content exploring how human beings can find intimacy, practice safe sex, and connect to ourselves sensually in a time where social distancing is a public health necessity.

If you find the abundance in your heart and wallet to support The Peak financially, you can do so in a variety of ways!

Become a sustaining member of our brand new Patreon! You can also make a one-time donation on Ko-fi or Paypal

Our theme music was produced by Johnny Manchild of Johnny Manchild & The Poor Bastards

Remember to rate, review, and subscribe wherever you listen!

Social Media Links:

Follow The Peak on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook



Grace Allison Perkins is a comic book writer and artist whose work explores themes of tenderness, romance, and queer love. In this episode, we discuss her art, her influences, and her personal forays into romance, sex, and feelings, from her underwhelming first time to her experience crying during orgasm.

Show notes:

The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by E.K. Weaver

Social Media Links:

Follow The Peak on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook and, if you want, donate to our Ko-Fi account!

Follow Grace Allison Perkins at What_up_g_perks, gperki.com, and https://linktr.ee/what_up_g_perks

Meet the Host – Robyn Wheelock

Hey, y’all! My name is Robyn Wheelock, and I am the host and producer of The Peak. I started this project in 2018 after being inspired by the #metoo movement.

I kept myself semi-anonymous throughout season one due to my fear of the stigma surrounding frank and open conversations about sexuality, especially as a young queer woman early in her career.

But as I prepared for Season 2 and reflected on why I choose to do this work, it became clear that if I want to destigmatize sex and contribute to a culture of honesty, I have to be transparent, and confront my fear of stigma. Sex isn’t shameful, and I’m not ashamed to talk about it.

So here I am folks! Here’s to making 2020 a year of honesty, clarity, and confidence!

Background vectors created by pikisuperstar

Seeking guests for Season 2!

Photo by AllGo – An App For Plus Size People on Unsplash

Greetings listeners! It is our great excitement to announce that Season Two of The Peak is now in pre-production and that we will have new episodes available in early 2020! We are currently reaching out to guests, and plan to host a wide variety of folks with a wide variety of sexual experiences. This season, we are hoping to produce both personal interviews, and interviews with sex workers, sexual health professionals, and sex-positive activists about their careers.

Is there someone you would like to see as a guest on The Peak? Would you like to be a guest on the show yourself? If so, leave a comment or contact our producer, Robyn, at thepeakpod@gmail.com!

Metamorphosis- E9

In this bonus-length episode, our guest, Sarin recounts their experiences with sex in their personal and professional life. As a SHAC (School Health Advisory Council) Certified sex educator and political activist, Sarin works to teach people of all ages about sexual liberation, female masturbation, and sexual health, and as a former sex worker, they describe their experience with sex work as a means of sustenance, a source of confidence, and an important step on their path to personal self-discovery. They recall their relationship with their own sexuality, and how they have transformed since being emancipated as a teenager, to leaving their partner of 5 years and discovering their queer identity.

Segment from Maya Angelou’s live reading of “Still I Rise” sourced from Literature Today UK’s video on Youtube.

This will be the last full-length episode of 2018. Thank you for listening to The Peak, and have a very happy New Year!

EDIT: This episode and post were updated and edited on 4/30/19.


John Mayer at Sunset- Episode 7

As a musician, Adam Tutor strives to be open, creative, and loving in all aspects of his life. In this episode, Adam recounts his intimate experiences and the joys and trials (and music) that have accompanied them, and discusses his exploration of polyamory and monogamy, his spirituality, and his journey to express love while respecting his partner’s boundaries as well as his own.

Adam Tutor’s music is available on Bandcamp.

Consent and Cliteracy- Episode 6

Lisa Ashby is unafraid to speak honestly about her life, from discussing her sexual debut (with a Janis Joplin documentary playing in the background), to describing the trials of unlearning a rape culture that harms people of all genders. Lisa is an actress, singer and songwriter based in Houston, TX. Her song, Broken Record, is available on Amazon.

Books mentioned in this episode include:

Asking For It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture– and What We Can Do About It by Kate Harding

Becoming Cliterate: Why Orgasm Equality Matters– And How to Get It by Dr. Laurie Mintz