Tag Archives: self love

Katherine Wela Bogen is an Academic Bae- E13

Katherine Wela Bogen is a Clinical Research Coordinator at Rhode Island Hospital. In this episode, we discuss her work in sexual violence prevention, how to respond supportively to disclosures of sexual victimization, and what sexual healing looks like for trauma survivors. We also discuss her experience working toward a fully-embodied and pleasurable sex life as a survivor of sexual violence, from seeking Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (she recommends Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as well) to mailing a vibrator to her boyfriend.

Links discussed in this episode!

Last fall, Katherine entered the public spotlight when she wrote a Facebook post about false reporting rates of sexual violence. The post went viral and can be read here!


Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Gloria Anzaldua, Bell Hooks, Jackson Katz, Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison

Hunter Lamar

Dejahna James

Katherine Wela Bogen’s research on positive and negative responses to disclosures of sexual assault.


Becoming Cliterate

Come as You Are

Healing Sex


John Mayer at Sunset- Episode 7

As a musician, Adam Tutor strives to be open, creative, and loving in all aspects of his life. In this episode, Adam recounts his intimate experiences and the joys and trials (and music) that have accompanied them, and discusses his exploration of polyamory and monogamy, his spirituality, and his journey to express love while respecting his partner’s boundaries as well as his own.

Adam Tutor’s music is available on Bandcamp.

Rose the Bold- Episode 5

After three kids, three marriages, and nearly three decades of cultivating a satisfying intimate life, Rose has a lot to say on the topic of sex and relationships. In this episode, Rose shares what she loves about sex and marriage, teaching her sons to get consent in writing, and why she packed up her horses and left her husband of 20 years.